
PrideStar and Trinity Announce Acquisition
LOWELL, MA – PrideStar EMS and Trinity EMS, both Headquartered in Lowell, are pleased to announce they have entered into an agreement to create one company rooted in the Merrimack Valley and Southern New Hampshire. “The Daly Holding Company, the parent company of PrideStar EMS, is pleased to announce this…

Trinity Paramedic Rob DeFlumeri Emergency Medical Person of the Year!
A big shout out to Trinity Assistant Manager Rob DeFlumeri who was awarded the Emergency Medical Person of the Year! During the Haverhill Exchange Club’s annual Heroes’ Luncheon (at Maria’s restaurant in Haverhill) recipients from Police, Fire, EMS and the Middlesex Sherriff’s Office were recognized for their efforts during this…

Trinity’s Own Receive Mass. Star of Life Award
The Massachusetts Ambulance Association (MAA) celebrated the exceptional dedication of the Commonwealth’s emergency medical services (EMS) professionals during the 46th Annual National EMS Week. On May 18, the MAA hosted the second annual Convoy of Champions ambulance parade as well as the first-ever Massachusetts Stars of Life awards ceremony to recognize specific field…

Trinity Donates AED to Atkinson PD new “Emergency Call Box”
Trinity EMS met the Atkinson Police at Woodlock Park in Atkinson, NH. Atkinson PD, through private and public funding and donations, constructed and installed an Emergency Call Box at the park. The new “safety station” has a camera on top, a button that you can push with a direct line…

Trinity EMS Celebrates 30th Anniversary!
Trinity celebrated their 30th work anniversary last week. read more

Trinity Receives Recognition from the City of Haverhill
During his State of the City address to the residents of Haverhill, Mayor Jim Fiorentini recognized Trinity EMS for our efforts in the battle against the COVID Pandemic. From early on Trinity took all precautions necessary to protect it’s employees as well as the patients they took care of. As…

Trinity Receives License as a COVID Vaccine Agency
Trinity EMS filed with the State to become a Vaccination Agency for the State of Massachusetts. After receiving confirmation, Trinity received vaccine and started to vaccinate according to the State’s Protocol and time line. Vaccinating our own front line employees was paramount in our efforts in combating the COVID virus.…

Trinity EMS Opens New Chelmsford Base
After years of searching and finding the right location, Trinity has completed its build out of their new satellite location located at 19 North Road Chelmsford. Trinity’s original location was located in the center of Chelmsford at Cushing Place, however that building got sold and we needed to move out.…

Trinity EMT Brian Silva Honored by VFW Post 29
The VFW Lorraine Post 29 hosted their annual First Responder Banquet on May 23, 2019 at the DiBurro’s Function Hall in Haverhill, MA The VFW honored many First Responders that evening and among them was Brian Silva, Emergency Medical Technician and Field Trainer for Trinity EMS. He was recognized for…

Trinity Manager Honored by Steward Healthcare
In celebration of National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) week, Steward Health Care hosted the third annual “EMS Stewards of the Community” award ceremony on May 20 at the Tirrell Room in Quincy, Massachusetts. Dallas-based Steward, which operates nine hospitals across Massachusetts, recognized 19 EMS providers. Among these was Josiah Peters,…