
In the field delivery!

Great job by our crew Jon and Kevin on their first in the field delivery in Chelmsford, MA. The Chelmsford Fire Department crew that was on scene was also very instrumental on helping during the delivery. Mom and baby are doing great! #StorkClub

Maya running the Boston Marathon for a cause…

If you’ve been following along for a while then you know our very own employee @mayadube is running the @bostonmarathon for the @bostonchildrens this year. As if that’s not impressive enough she set a goal to raise $10,000 and crushed it So we made a deal with Maya, and our…

Pridestar Trinity opens new Chelmsford Base!

Pridestar Trinity was excited to officially “cut the ribbon” to their new Chelmsford, MA base located at 54 Chelmsford Street. It was a complete makeover for the first floor; adding two garage doors and all the necessary electrical and medical equipment for the storage of two ambulances. Community leaders from…

Extrication Day!

It was great to visit our fellow First Responders at the Town of Dracut Fire Department. They are always available to collaborate and cross train. Our current EMT course attendants had the opportunity to work with the Dracut Fire Department and learn the different means of extrication while on scene.…

Thanks for Visiting Pack 81!!

We love being able to show kids a tour of our ambulances and dispatch center. Especially ones that are trying to earn their next badge. Thank you to Cub Scout Pack 81 for visiting!!  

Cookie Purchase to Girl Scout Tour!

While driving by Dracut Town Variety store the other day we happened to see some Girl Scouts selling cookies, WHO CAN PASS UP A BOX OF GIRLS COUT COOKIES!? Answer: No one! So…. we stopped for a box and before we knew it we were giving a tour of the…

Lincoln School Invites us in!

We love the opportunity to get involved with our communities. A big shout out to our employee, Joe – EMT, who joined Lowell Police and fire to read at the Lincoln School in Lowell, MA the other day during National “Read Aloud Day”…celebrating Dr. Seuss birthday!

Our Finest Employees!

Our employees love there job. That being said, it is difficult connecting with patients and then handing them off to someone else and never knowing the outcome. We recently received a few phone calls from our patients’ family letting us know how amazing our crew(s) were while taking care of…

Special Delivery

Adrianna and her partner, Lana, delivered a baby last month (almost in an elevator at the local hospital). They wound up delivering the baby in the hallway on the way to the Labor and Delivery Floor. The baby had some minor difficulties, however these ladies acted fast and baby &…

A Premier Medical
Transportation Company