A Special Transport Detour
Treating patients like family…
We received an email from a few people inside the Lowell General Hospital system that wanted to let us know how amazing Sheri, Brandi and Megan were during a recent transport. The crew was taking a patient to rehab from the Saints campus. The trio then learned about the patients loved one (older child) was in hospice and not doing well. Working closely with LGH and Sheri, the crew took a detour and went straight to the location where the patient’s child was actively dying. Our crew stood by our patient and entire family’s side and assisted in all accommodations LGH needed to make the visit work perfectly. The patient was able to spend the last moments of her loved one’s life by her side.
The Lowell General team wanted to let us know that our staff went above and beyond during a very special circumstance. “They all made a very difficult shift easier to get through with their generosity and time. We truly appreciated everything you all did; your team was amazing and it brought tears to our eyes. Your team showed so much empathy, it meant the world to our staff and the family!”
Great job Brandi, Megan and Sheri! What an amazing story.