A once in a (EMS) career call

Tremendous work and team effort by P84 (Ashleigh and Tim) , P50 (Tony and Sean) and S4 (Bobby) with help from Haverhill Fire Department Engine 2 and Rescue 1 as well as multiple Haverhill Police officers.

P84, Ashleigh and Tim, with S4, Bobby, responded to an address for an unresponsive patient/CPR in progress. After assessing the patient, administering CPR & meds as well as multiple shocks the crew achieved ROSC in the field. We loaded the patient into the ambulance for transport to the Holy Family Hospital Cath Lab.

While loading the patient into the ambulance, the patient’s sibling then screamed out that the patient’s spouse was having a medical issue. Bobby requested a 2nd ambulance and found the patient unresponsive in a recliner. The patient stopped breathing and went into VFib. After administering CPR , meds & multiple shocks they ALSO achieved ROSC and transported to the Cath Lab at Lawrence General. This patient was talking to the crew as they were loading into the ambulance.

A truly herculean effort by everyone involved. We couldn’t be prouder of you and how you helped a family whose lives were turned upside down in an instant.
Congratulations everyone!